¶ index_static.py
2010-05-31 11:10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ index_static.py - just fixed for pyblosxom-cmd staticrender export all .html links base index.py from: http://snarfed.org/space/pyblosxom+index Ryan BarrettThis plugin displays an alphabetical index of all entries. It uses these optional config variables from config.py, shown here with their defaults: py['index_trigger'] = '/site-index' py['index_num_columns'] = 2 py['index_letters_first'] = True py['index_title'] = 'index' py['index_use_story_template'] = True VERSION: 0.2 TODO: - use a template instead of hard-coded HTML Copyright 2006 Ryan Barrett This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. """ import math import os.path import time from Pyblosxom import tools import Pyblosxom.entries __author__ = 'Ryan Barrett' __version__ = '0.2' __url__ = 'http://snarfed.org/space/pyblosxom+index' __description__ = 'Displays an alphabetical index of all entries.' def verify_installation(request): return 1 def cb_filelist(args): request = args['request'] http = request.getHttp() data = request.getData() config = request.getConfiguration() trigger = config.get('index_trigger', 'site-index') if http['PATH_INFO'] != trigger: return # get the entries datadir = config['datadir'] files = tools.Walk(request, datadir) files.sort() # sort into sections, one for each letter. the dictionary is # letter => (entry name, path) where path is the relative to datadir. sections = {} entry_extensions = data['extensions'].keys() for file in files: assert file.startswith(datadir) path, ext = os.path.splitext(file[len(datadir):]) if ext[1:] in entry_extensions: # strip the leading period from ext entry_name = os.path.basename(path) sections.setdefault(entry_name[0].upper(), []).append((entry_name, path)) # extract the first letters. sort as usual, except that numbers and other # non-letters go *after* letters. def letters_before_symbols(a, b): if a.isalpha() and not b.isalpha(): return -1 elif not a.isalpha() and b.isalpha(): return 1 else: return cmp(a, b) letters = sections.keys() if config.get('index_letters_first', 1): letters.sort(letters_before_symbols) else: letters.sort() # add the header with links to each section body = ' ' letter_links = ['%s' % (l, l) for l in letters] body += ' |\n'.join(letter_links) body += '
\n\n' # add the sections themselves, with one link per entry, in a table. the # number of columns is taken from the index_num_columns config variable. # entries are ordered down each column, in order. num_cols = config.get('index_num_columns', 2) for l in letters: body += '%s
\n' % (l, l) body += '\n' entries = sections[l] entries.sort() num_rows = int(math.ceil(float(len(entries)) / num_cols)) for row in range(0, num_rows): # alternate the
\ntags' class between index-row-stripe-0 and # index-row-stripe-1, so you can use CSS to alternate their color for # readability, if you want. body += ' \n' % (row % 2) for col in range(0, num_cols): entry_index = col * num_rows + row if entry_index < len(entries): entry_name, path = entries[entry_index] else: entry_name = path = '' body += ' \n' body += '%s \n' % (path[1:], entry_name) body += '
\n\n' data = {'title': config.get('index_title', 'index')} # use the epoch for mtime. otherwise, pyblosxom uses the current time, which # makes other plugins (like weblogsping) think this is a new entry. epoch = time.localtime(0) fe = Pyblosxom.entries.base.generate_entry(request, data, body, epoch) return [fe] def cb_story(args): request = args['request'] http = request.getHttp() config = request.getConfiguration() trigger = config.get('index_trigger', 'site-index') if (http['PATH_INFO'] == trigger and not config.get('index_use_story_template', 1)): title = config.get('index_title', 'index') args['template'] = '%s
\n$body' % title return args