¶ index_static.py

2010-05-31 11:10

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    - just fixed for pyblosxom-cmd  staticrender export all .html links
base index.py from:
Ryan Barrett 

This plugin displays an alphabetical index of all entries. It uses these
optional config variables from config.py, shown here with their defaults:

py['index_trigger']            = '/site-index'
py['index_num_columns']        = 2
py['index_letters_first']      = True
py['index_title']              = 'index'
py['index_use_story_template'] = True


- use a template instead of hard-coded HTML

Copyright 2006 Ryan Barrett

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
import math
import os.path
import time
from Pyblosxom import tools
import Pyblosxom.entries

__author__ = 'Ryan Barrett'
__version__ = '0.2'
__url__ = 'http://snarfed.org/space/pyblosxom+index'
__description__ = 'Displays an alphabetical index of all entries.'

def verify_installation(request):
  return 1

def cb_filelist(args):
  request = args['request']
  http = request.getHttp()
  data = request.getData()
  config = request.getConfiguration()

  trigger = config.get('index_trigger', 'site-index')
  if http['PATH_INFO'] != trigger:

  # get the entries
  datadir = config['datadir']
  files = tools.Walk(request, datadir)

  # sort into sections, one for each letter. the dictionary is 
  # letter => (entry name, path) where path is the relative to datadir.
  sections = {}
  entry_extensions = data['extensions'].keys()

  for file in files:
    assert file.startswith(datadir)
    path, ext = os.path.splitext(file[len(datadir):])
    if ext[1:] in entry_extensions:  # strip the leading period from ext
      entry_name = os.path.basename(path)
      sections.setdefault(entry_name[0].upper(), []).append((entry_name, path))

  # extract the first letters. sort as usual, except that numbers and other
  # non-letters go *after* letters. 
  def letters_before_symbols(a, b):
    if a.isalpha() and not b.isalpha():
      return -1
    elif not a.isalpha() and b.isalpha():
      return 1
      return cmp(a, b)

  letters = sections.keys()
  if config.get('index_letters_first', 1):

  # add the header with links to each section
  body = '

' letter_links = ['%s' % (l, l) for l in letters] body += ' |\n'.join(letter_links) body += '

\n\n' # add the sections themselves, with one link per entry, in a table. the # number of columns is taken from the index_num_columns config variable. # entries are ordered down each column, in order. num_cols = config.get('index_num_columns', 2) for l in letters: body += '


\n' % (l, l) body += '\n' entries = sections[l] entries.sort() num_rows = int(math.ceil(float(len(entries)) / num_cols)) for row in range(0, num_rows): # alternate the tags' class between index-row-stripe-0 and # index-row-stripe-1, so you can use CSS to alternate their color for # readability, if you want. body += '\n' % (row % 2) for col in range(0, num_cols): entry_index = col * num_rows + row if entry_index < len(entries): entry_name, path = entries[entry_index] else: entry_name = path = '' body += '\n' % (path[1:], entry_name) body += '\n' body += '
\n\n' data = {'title': config.get('index_title', 'index')} # use the epoch for mtime. otherwise, pyblosxom uses the current time, which # makes other plugins (like weblogsping) think this is a new entry. epoch = time.localtime(0) fe = Pyblosxom.entries.base.generate_entry(request, data, body, epoch) return [fe] def cb_story(args): request = args['request'] http = request.getHttp() config = request.getConfiguration() trigger = config.get('index_trigger', 'site-index') if (http['PATH_INFO'] == trigger and not config.get('index_use_story_template', 1)): title = config.get('index_title', 'index') args['template'] = '


\n$body' % title return args

§ 写于: Mon, 31 May 2010 | 永久链接;源文: rdf ,rss ,raw | 分类: /techic/PyBlosxom/plugins §
[MailMe] [Print] Creative Commons License

作品Zoom.Quiet创作,采用知识共享署名-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 基于zoomquiet.org上的作品创作。

¶ hardcodedates.py

2010-05-31 11:10

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Pyblosxom import tools
import os, os.path, posix, re, stat, time

FILETIME = re.compile('^([0-9]{4})-([0-1][0-9])-([0-3][0-9])-([0-2][0-9])-([0-5][0-9]) +(.*)$')

all_timestamps = {}
extensions = []
timestamps_to_save = {}

#mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: t, tab-width: 4 
This allows the user to create a file "timestamps" in their datadir,
that will override the timestamp of any given blog entry. Each line
in this file should be of the form "YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm file-name".
Then for any entry that one of these lines exist the system will use
that timestamp instead of the actual files modification time.

Note: the filename is relative to your data-dir.
Example of a line for the file /var/data-dir/school/abc.txt
   where the datadir is "/var/data-dir/" and the date is Aug 9, 2004.

2004-08-09-00-00 school/abc.txt
__author__ = 'Nathan Kent Bullock, Ryan Barrett'
__homepage__ = 'http://snarfed.org/space/hardcodedates'
__email__ = 'nathan_kent_bullock -at- yahoo.ca, hardcodedates -at- ryanb.org'
__version__ = '1.4'
def init(request):
    if all_timestamps:
        return  # already initialized

    datadir = request.getConfiguration()['datadir']
    timestamp_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'timestamps')

    if os.path.isfile(timestamp_file):
        f = file(timestamp_file)
        for str in f.readlines():
            m = FILETIME.search(str.strip())
            if m:
                year = int(m.group(1))
                mo = int(m.group(2))
                day = int(m.group(3))
                hr = int(m.group(4))
                minute = int(m.group(5))
                mtime = time.mktime((year,mo,day,hr,minute,0,0,0,-1))
                filename = os.path.join(datadir, m.group(6))
                all_timestamps[filename] = mtime


    extensions.append(request.getConfiguration().get('comment_ext', 'cmt'))

def cb_filestat(args):
    request = args['request']

    filename = args['filename']
    extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]
    datadir = request.getConfiguration()['datadir']

    if all_timestamps.has_key(filename):
        # we know this file's timestamp
        mtime = args['mtime']
        assert isinstance(mtime, (tuple, posix.stat_result))
        args['mtime'] = (mtime[0:stat.ST_MTIME] + (all_timestamps[filename],) +
                         mtime[stat.ST_MTIME + 1:])

    elif extension in extensions and filename.startswith(datadir):
        # we don't know it, but we should. ask the os for it, and remember it.
        args['mtime'] = os.stat(filename)
        all_timestamps[filename] = args['mtime'][stat.ST_MTIME]
        timestamps_to_save[filename] = args['mtime'][stat.ST_MTIME]

    return args

def cb_end(args):
    if timestamps_to_save:
        datadir = args['request'].getConfiguration()['datadir']
        datadir = os.path.normpath(datadir)
        tsfile = file(os.path.join(datadir, 'timestamps'), 'a')
        for filename, mtime in timestamps_to_save.items():
            time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', time.localtime(mtime))
            # strip the datadir prefix and directory separator slash
            filename = filename[len(datadir) + 1:]
            tsfile.write('%s %s\n' % (time_str, filename))
            tools.getLogger().info('Saved mtime %s for %s' % (time_str, filename))

§ 写于: Mon, 31 May 2010 | 永久链接;源文: rdf ,rss ,raw | 分类: /techic/PyBlosxom/plugins §
[MailMe] [Print] Creative Commons License

作品Zoom.Quiet创作,采用知识共享署名-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 基于zoomquiet.org上的作品创作。

¶ category_static.py

2010-05-31 11:10

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    - just fixed for pyblosxom-cmd  staticrender export all .html links
base index.py from:
Ryan Barrett 
    - Zoom.Quiet 100401

This plugin displays an alphabetical index of all entries. It uses these
optional config variables from config.py, shown here with their defaults:

py['cindex_trigger']            = '/site-index'
py['cindex_num_columns']        = 2
py['cindex_letters_first']      = True
py['cindex_title']              = 'index'
py['cindex_use_story_template'] = True


- use a template instead of hard-coded HTML

Copyright 2006 Ryan Barrett

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

import math
import os.path
import time
from operator import itemgetter
from Pyblosxom import tools
import Pyblosxom.entries
#import re

__author__ = 'Zoom.Quiet '
__version__ = '11.09.7'
__url__ = "http://blog.zoomquiet.org/pyblosxom/techic/PyBlosxom/plugins/category_static.html"
__description__ = 'Displays an Category index as Tree for all entries. in one page'
def verify_installation(request):
  return 1

def cb_filelist(args):
    request = args['request']
    http = request.getHttp()
    data = request.getData()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    _baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

    trigger = config.get('cindex_trigger', 'site-index')
    if http['PATH_INFO'] != trigger:

    # get the entries
    datadir = config['datadir']
    files = tools.Walk(request, datadir)

    body = '
' #print files # sort into sections, one for each letter. the dictionary is # letter => (entry name, path) where path is the relative to datadir. #sections = {} # the entrise dictionary is # path => (entry name, 0) entrise = [] entry_extensions = data['extensions'].keys() for file in files: #objEntry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, file,datadir) #print objEntry.keys() assert file.startswith(datadir) path, ext = os.path.splitext(file[len(datadir):]) if ext[1:] in entry_extensions: # strip the leading period from ext entry_name = os.path.basename(path) #sections.setdefault(entry_name[0].upper(), []).append((entry_name, path)) entrise.append((entry_name,path,file)) #print entrise #sortPaths = sorted(entrise.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) #print sortPaths #print _baseurl etree = {} """{ "pathID":[(path.split()),"title",...] , } """ for entry in entrise: e = Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, entry[2], entry[1]) deeps = entry[1].split("/")[:-1] pathID = "".join(deeps) if pathID in etree: etree[pathID].append((e['title'],entry[1])) else: etree[pathID]= [tuple(deeps),(e['title'],entry[1])] #print etree.keys() root_path_list = config.get("category_root_list", DEFAULT_ROOT) root_entry_list = [] for opath in root_path_list: #print opath crtRoot = [] for k in etree.keys(): if opath in k: crtRoot.append(k) crtRoot.sort() root_entry_list.append((opath,crtRoot)) '''root_entry_list as:: [('Zen', ['ZenChinese', 'ZenGoogle', 'Zenpythonic']), ('oss', ['oss', 'ossFreeBSD', 'ossMozillaFireFox', 'ossUbuntu']), ('opening', []), ('mind', ['mind']), ('Quiet', ['Quietliving', 'Quietnomeans']), ('utility', ['utilitySubversion', 'utilitySubversionhooks', 'utilitypy4strStructuredText', 'utilitypy4webDjango', 'utilitypy4webMoinMoin', 'utilitypy4webQuixote', 'utilitypy4zh', 'utilityzqlib']), ('internet', ['internet', 'internetFolksonomy']), ('easy', ['easymovie', 'easymusic']), ('techic', ['techic', 'techicEmacs', 'techicPyBlosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomblosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomplugins'])] ''' body += '


' for e in etree[''][1:]: #print "etree[''] include::",e body += '%s%s
\n'%( "...." ,_baseurl ,e[1] ,e[0] ) #print root_entry_list for k in root_entry_list: #['techic', 'techicEmacs', 'techicPyBlosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomblosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomplugins'] body += '


'%k[0] cpath = "" for p in k[1]: #print etree[p] #[('', 'Zen', 'Chinese'), '9.18', 'CC Salon BJ', '\xe2\x80\x9c\xe5\x9b\xbd\xe9\x99\x85\xe8\x87\xaa\xe7\x94\xb1\xe8\xbd\xaf\xe4\xbb\xb6\xe6\x97\xa5\xe2\x80\x9d\xe4\xb9\x8b\xe5\xa4\xb4\xe8\x84\x91\xe9\xa3\x8e\xe6\x9a\xb4', '\xe8\xa1\xa8\xe5\xbd\xa2\xe7\xa0\x81\xe7\x9a\x84\xe6\xb6\x88\xe4\xba\xa1\xe8\x83\x8c\xe6\x99\xaf\xef\xbc\x81'] epath = "/".join(etree[p][0][2:]) if k[0] != "".join(etree[p][0]): if cpath != epath: cpath = epath ldeep = len(etree[p][0][1:]) if 3 > ldeep: body += '
'%"/".join(etree[p][0][2:]) else: body += '
'%"/".join(etree[p][0][3:]) for e in etree[p][1:]: body += '%s%s
\n'%( "/".join(etree[p][0]) ,"..."*len(etree[p][0]) ,_baseurl ,e[1] ,e[0] ) ''' [('', 'easy', 'movie'), '\xe4\xb8\x96\xe9\x97\xb4\xe5\xae\x89\xe5\xbe\x97\xe5\x8f\x8c\xe5\x85\xa8\xe6\xb3\x95,\xe4\xb8\x8d\xe8\xb4\x9f\xe5\xa6\x82\xe6\x9d\xa5\xe4\xb8\x8d\xe8\xb4\x9f\xe5\x8d\xbf!'] [('', 'easy', 'music'), 'ZARD\xe6\xb6\x88\xe9\x80\x9d\xe4\xba\x86'] for entry in entrise: e = Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, entry[2], entry[1]) #print e['title'] #print entry[1].split("/")[:-1] body += '%s%s%s
\n'%( "...."*len(entry[1].split("/")) ,_baseurl ,entry[1] ,e['title'] #entry[0] ,entry[1] ) ''' #print body body +="
" data = {'title': config.get('cindex_title', 'index')} # use the epoch for mtime. otherwise, pyblosxom uses the current time, which # makes other plugins (like weblogsping) think this is a new entry. epoch = time.localtime(0) fe = Pyblosxom.entries.base.generate_entry(request, data, body, epoch) return [fe] def cb_story(args): request = args['request'] http = request.getHttp() config = request.getConfiguration() trigger = config.get('cindex_trigger', 'site-index') if (http['PATH_INFO'] == trigger and not config.get('cindex_use_story_template', 1)): title = config.get('cindex_title', 'index') args['template'] = '


\n$body' % title return args

§ 写于: Mon, 31 May 2010 | 永久链接;源文: rdf ,rss ,raw | 分类: /techic/PyBlosxom/plugins §
[MailMe] [Print] Creative Commons License

作品Zoom.Quiet创作,采用知识共享署名-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 基于zoomquiet.org上的作品创作。

¶ IOP:实践之一

2010-05-13 19:19

1. 背景


  • 在一高压力服务环境中,需要加速系统的响应
  • 现行系统对于数据查询要尝试三种数据库源:
    1. memcache
    2. redis
    3. MySQL
  • 期望查询加速至少 300%
    - 俺的Laptop HP 520
    - 双核CPU 2G内存
    - Ubuntu 9.10
    - CentOS 5.0
    - 单核CPU 4G 内存

1.1. 预案


  • 统计了一下需要用来查询的数据不到2千万条
  • 折算成文件不过1G
  • 加载到内存中,使用 Python 字典结构的话,也最多涨一倍,也完全可以接受
  • 速度?!

2. IOP的加速技巧


不知道什么是 IOP?

  • PyIOP
  • 咔咔咔,沈游侠总结的编程态度>...

2.1. 10万:170+4秒

  • 从redis 读
  • 生成 dict 对象
  • 以pickle dump 出序列化文件
  • 用pickle load 加载成dict对象

2.1.1. code


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct,sys,time
import cPickle as pickle
import redis
REVERSION = "r2d.py v10.5.7"
def _push2dict(dictall,key,smembers):
    dictall[struct.pack('I',int(key[1:]))]=[s.split("|") for s in rb.smembers(k)]    
    return dictall
if __name__ == '__main__':      # this way the module can be
    if 3 != len(sys.argv):
        print """ %s usage::
$ python r2d.py redistIP limitnumber [like 10000]
        """ % REVERSION
        hostIP = sys.argv[1]
        limitn = sys.argv[2]
        rb = redis.Redis(host=hostIP, port=6379, db=9)
        rbkeys = rb.keys().split()
        loop = int(limitn)
        for k in rbkeys:
            if 0 == loop:
                loop -=1
        pickle.dump(s4dict, open('r4d.dump', 'wb'))

2.1.2. speed

  • 代码足够简单了,单函式,20行
  • 速度测试::
    • 10W 值对导出 >170秒,导入>4秒;
    • 100W 值对导出 >500秒,导入>25秒;
    • 1000W 值对导出 失败! 内存提前耗光!

2.1.3. improve


  1. 根据 IOP 尽量不用函式,将那个一行函式清除,代码填回循环 ~ 立即获得几秒的加速
  2. 本来用的就是cPickle 了,模块效率没有办法了
  3. 嗯嗯嗯,可以不用 cPickle卟?
    • 直接输出自然 .py 哈?!

# 使用 str() 将字典对象用文本的方式记入 .py 
vdf = open("r2d.define.py","wa")
# 使用时直接 import 就好

  • 改进后测试::
    • 10W 值对导出 >160秒,导入>3秒;
    • 100W 值对导出 >400秒,导入>19秒;
    • 1000W 值对导出 依然杯具
  • 加速不明显:
    • 导出时速度变化很小
    • 载入时速度有提升
  • 进一步观察到,导出时内存飞速增长:
    • 100W级别,要食掉1.6G左右的内存
    • redis 本身也很占内存,千万级别时,也要占上G (当然这和条目数量/内容有关)
    • 这对于服务器是个不可接受的方式

2.2. 10万:150+10秒

  • 从redis 读
  • 生成 中间log文件
  • 导入成 字典对象

2.2.1. thinking


  1. 想输出不论 pickle 或是 .py 的字典对象,都得先在内存中构造出这一对象
  2. 随着字典对象的规模增加,必然导致这一构建过程的时间加长


  • 比如说,字典结构如:
    • K:[list] 形式的两层结构
  • 那么,就可以通过中间数据文本:
    ('key', [(v1, 'v2', v3)])
  • 进行线性加载,e.g:
    for l in open("r2d.define.py.log","r").readlines():
        dd = eval(l)
        if dd[0] in s4d:

2.2.2. code


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct,sys,time
import redis
REVERSION = "r2d.py v10.5.8"
if __name__ == '__main__':      # this way the module can be
    if 3 != len(sys.argv):
        print """ %s usage::
$ python r2d.py redistIP limitnumber [like 10000] > mid-data.log
        """ % REVERSION
        hostIP = sys.argv[1]
        limitn = sys.argv[2]
        rb = redis.Redis(host=hostIP, port=6379, db=9)
        rbkeys = rb.keys().split()
        loop = int(limitn)
        for k in rbkeys:
            if 0 == loop:
                loop -=1
                dictkey = struct.pack('I',int(k[1:]))
                sli = []
                for s in rb.smembers(k):
                    rli = s.split("|")[:3]
                    if rli:
                        rli[0] = int(rli[0])
                        rli[1] = struct.pack('I',int(rli[1]))
                        rli[2] = int(rli[2])
                print >> d2f,`dictkey,sli`
                #注意: `obj` 等同 repr(obj)  

2.2.3. improve


  • 速度测试::
    • 10W 值对导出 >150秒,导入>10秒;
    • 100W 值对导出 >500秒,导入>20秒;
    • 1000W 值对导出 >1300秒,导入>90秒;
  • 速度看起来没有什么明显的提高
  • 不过!
    1. 千万级别的数据可以在低配置环境中跑完了!
    2. 内存占用很稳定永远90M左右,不会随字典对象的增长而增长!


2.3. 10万:100+200秒?!

  • 放弃 redis 直接从MySQL 读
  • 生成 中间日志
  • 导入成 dict 文件

2.3.1. thinking

虽然redis 是号称最快的 K/V 数据库产品,但是,明显就是它将整个业务响应速度拖慢了..

  • 服务器程序和本地程序面对的环境是不同的
  • 高压力服务器程序和小压力服务器程序也是不同的
  • 简单来说:
    1. 小型服务~=每秒<C60
    2. 中型服务~=每秒<C600
    3. 大型服务~=每秒>C1000
  • 面对的矛盾是完全不同的:
    1. 小型服务->语言执行效率
    2. 中型服务->框架执行效率
    3. 大型服务->I/O 响应速度
  • 所以,对于面向Web 的查询服务,不论 Redis/MySQL 对于业务系统,都是进程间通讯!
  • 每次跨进程通讯,都意味着至少四次I/O操作!
  • 所以,当前 Redis->log->内存字典的转换流程,其实包含了 MySQL->Redis 的进程操作
  • 另外:
    • 遍查 Redis 文档,居然没有 iterkeys() 类似的操作!
    • 每次不论转换多少 Redis 的值对,都得使用keys() 将键先取出来然后再逐一匹配处理
    • 怪不得使用 Redis 测试用小仓库(包含20万值对)时,脚本运行速度和使用全数据Redis(千万值对)时速度要相差5倍以上!内存也占用多几倍!

所以!要直接从 MySQL 相关表中读取

2.3.2. code

配合一SQL 模板:

-- _tpl/all_black.tpl
SELECT v1,v2,v3,v4,id FROM t_black LIMIT %(limitMAX)s;


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
REVERSION = "m2d.py v10.5.9"
import struct,sys,time

if __name__ == '__main__':      # this way the module can be
$ python m2d.py limit [such as 100] |\
  mysql -h xx.xx.xx.xx -u User -D --password=***  |\
  python m2d.py > m2d.log
    if sys.stdin:
        if 1 < len(sys.argv):
            limit = sys.argv[1]
            limitMAX = int(limit)
            print >> sys.stderr, info
            print open("_tpl/all_black.tpl","r").read()%locals()
            totalN = 0
            for l in sys.stdin.readlines():
                if "id" in l:
                    totalN += 1
                    dictkey = struct.pack('I',int(lkv[0]))
                    lkv[1] = int(lkv[1])
                    lkv[2] = struct.pack('I',int(lkv[2]))
                    lkv[3] = int(lkv[3])
                    print >> d2f,`dictkey,tuple(lkv[1:])`
  • 用是否有额外参数来判定是否生成SQL,还是进行MySQL 的输出数据处理
  • 为了不影响标准输出,调试信息,输出到标准错误IO
  • 调试也应该根据管道串的层级,一级级运行尝试
  • 调用的shell:
    #   m2d.sh v10.5.9
    python m2d.py go |\
        mysql -h xx.xx.xx.xx -u User --password=***|\
        python mysql4dict.py $1 |\
        mysql -h xx.xx.xx.xx -u User --password=***|\
        python m2d.py > m2d.log


2.3.3. speed

  • 速度测试::
    • 0.1W 值对导出 <5秒,导入<1秒;
    • 10W 值对导出 >300秒,导入>10秒;
    • 100W 值对导出 杯具鸟
    • 1000W 值对导出 杯具鸟
  • 速度怎么和查询的条目多少有关? 而且一大MySQL 就拒绝服务?

2.3.4. improve

嗯嗯嗯,FT! 当然了,MySQL 请求响应时间是有限制的,大数据传输肯定是有问题的, 利用 LIMIT 的切片!

  • 改造前述m2d.py v10.5.9 SQL生成部分的代码:
    step = 5000.0
    limitMAX = int(limit)
    sqltpl = open("_tpl/all_black.tpl","r").read()
    if 1 >= limitMAXb/step:
        print sqltpl%locals()
        for i in range(int(limitMAX/step)):
            limitMAX = "%d,%d"%(step*i,int(step))
            print sqltpl%locals()
  • 以 5000 为界限,生成类似 LIMIT 15000,5000 的限制
  • 速度测试::
    • 100W 值对导出 >290秒,导入>190秒;
    • 1000W 值对导出 杯具鸟


2.4. 1000万:1100秒+480秒

  • 从MySQL 读使用id 进行限制切分
  • 生成 中间日志,但是重新设计结构
  • 导入成 dict 文件

2.4.1. thinking

MySQL 为什么这么慢?!

2.4.2. code

SQL 模板配合改进:

-- _tpl/all_black.tpl
SELECT v1,v2,v3,v4,id FROM t_black WHERE id>%(LIMbwID)s AND id<=%(MAXbwID)s;

SQL 生成代码:

step = 3000.0
offset = int(step)
# < <gen_sql_with_max> > 使用Leo 时可以定义子节点将成堆代码变成语义标记
for l in sys.stdin.readlines():
    if "max(id)" not in l:
        amount = l.split()
        MAXbwID = int(amount[0]
        MINbwID = int(amount[1]
        MAXbwA = MAXbID-MINbID
lastID = 0
sqltpl = open("_tpl/all_black.tpl","r").read()
for i in range(MAXbwA/offset):
    MAXbwID,LIMbwID = (MAXbMAX-offset*i,MAXbMAX-offset*(i+1))
    print sqltpl%locals()
    lastID = LIMbID
MAXbID,LIMbID = lastID,MINbID   # 将切片限数之内的尾数个ID也查询出来
print sqltpl%locals()
  • 咔咔咔,当然的,要进行基于ID 的精确切分选择,就得先知道最大和最小的ID
  • 使用SQL SELECT max(id),min(id) FROM t_black ;
  • 自然运用系统管道串接成处理过程:
    #   m2d.sh v10.5.9
    DATE=`date "+%y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
    mysql -h xx.xx.xx -u User --password=*** < _tpl/total_black.sql |\
        python m2d.py go |\
        mysql -h xx.xx.xx -u User --password=*** |\
        python m2d.py > m2d_$DATE.log

2.4.3. improve

  • 速度测试::
    • 100W 值对导出 >280秒,导入>120秒;
      • m2d.log > 150M
    • 1000W 值对导出 >1300秒,导入>780秒;
      • m2d.log > 570M


  • 简单的将输出字典的数据结构变成:
  • 将原先的2个值结合原先的key 变成键,就成为了全局唯一的key
  • 即和MySQL 每行数据完成一一对应
  • 速度再测试::
    • 100W 值对导出 >250秒,导入>100秒;
      • m2d.log > 130M
    • 1000W 值对导出 >1100秒,导入>480秒;
      • m2d.log > 490M
  • 哗! 而且加载完后,字典对象所点内存体积也同样减少了 30% !

2.5. 小记

  • 应用 IOP 方面的主要招术:
    1. 表用 函式
    2. 表用 模块
    3. 尽量使用 OS 的标准 I/O 进行功能串接
  • DOP~Data Oriented Programming
    • 面向数据编程
    • 归根到底,程序都得操作数据解决问题
    • 服务器端,大并发压力时,最有效的节省I/O 的方式,就是高效方式
    • 压缩输入/出的数据量自然是最好的代码!

3. 提速100倍


  • 是也乎,是也乎,以上分享的是内存化字典数据的转换脚本加速过程
  • 但是最后要加速的是整个查询业务哈?
  • 因为涉及公司核心服务,代码就无法展示了
  • 不过,现实是:
    1. 使用了以上 IOP 中提及的基础技巧
    2. 每查询业务的处理时间从原先的 0.* 秒,加速到 0.00*秒,至少100倍
    3. 而对应的代码从 几千行,精简到几十行


  • 将代码每精简一倍体积
  • 运行速度就有望提高10倍

    不相信? 尝试一哈噻...

  • t2t渲染:: 2010-10-09 02:21:36
  • 动力源自::txt2tags

§ 写于: Thu, 13 May 2010 | 永久链接;源文: rdf ,rss ,raw | 分类: /Zen/IOP §
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