¶ category_static.py

2010-05-31 11:10

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    - just fixed for pyblosxom-cmd  staticrender export all .html links
base index.py from:
Ryan Barrett 
    - Zoom.Quiet 100401

This plugin displays an alphabetical index of all entries. It uses these
optional config variables from config.py, shown here with their defaults:

py['cindex_trigger']            = '/site-index'
py['cindex_num_columns']        = 2
py['cindex_letters_first']      = True
py['cindex_title']              = 'index'
py['cindex_use_story_template'] = True


- use a template instead of hard-coded HTML

Copyright 2006 Ryan Barrett

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

import math
import os.path
import time
from operator import itemgetter
from Pyblosxom import tools
import Pyblosxom.entries
#import re

__author__ = 'Zoom.Quiet '
__version__ = '11.09.7'
__url__ = "http://blog.zoomquiet.org/pyblosxom/techic/PyBlosxom/plugins/category_static.html"
__description__ = 'Displays an Category index as Tree for all entries. in one page'
def verify_installation(request):
  return 1

def cb_filelist(args):
    request = args['request']
    http = request.getHttp()
    data = request.getData()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    _baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

    trigger = config.get('cindex_trigger', 'site-index')
    if http['PATH_INFO'] != trigger:

    # get the entries
    datadir = config['datadir']
    files = tools.Walk(request, datadir)

    body = '
' #print files # sort into sections, one for each letter. the dictionary is # letter => (entry name, path) where path is the relative to datadir. #sections = {} # the entrise dictionary is # path => (entry name, 0) entrise = [] entry_extensions = data['extensions'].keys() for file in files: #objEntry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, file,datadir) #print objEntry.keys() assert file.startswith(datadir) path, ext = os.path.splitext(file[len(datadir):]) if ext[1:] in entry_extensions: # strip the leading period from ext entry_name = os.path.basename(path) #sections.setdefault(entry_name[0].upper(), []).append((entry_name, path)) entrise.append((entry_name,path,file)) #print entrise #sortPaths = sorted(entrise.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) #print sortPaths #print _baseurl etree = {} """{ "pathID":[(path.split()),"title",...] , } """ for entry in entrise: e = Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, entry[2], entry[1]) deeps = entry[1].split("/")[:-1] pathID = "".join(deeps) if pathID in etree: etree[pathID].append((e['title'],entry[1])) else: etree[pathID]= [tuple(deeps),(e['title'],entry[1])] #print etree.keys() root_path_list = config.get("category_root_list", DEFAULT_ROOT) root_entry_list = [] for opath in root_path_list: #print opath crtRoot = [] for k in etree.keys(): if opath in k: crtRoot.append(k) crtRoot.sort() root_entry_list.append((opath,crtRoot)) '''root_entry_list as:: [('Zen', ['ZenChinese', 'ZenGoogle', 'Zenpythonic']), ('oss', ['oss', 'ossFreeBSD', 'ossMozillaFireFox', 'ossUbuntu']), ('opening', []), ('mind', ['mind']), ('Quiet', ['Quietliving', 'Quietnomeans']), ('utility', ['utilitySubversion', 'utilitySubversionhooks', 'utilitypy4strStructuredText', 'utilitypy4webDjango', 'utilitypy4webMoinMoin', 'utilitypy4webQuixote', 'utilitypy4zh', 'utilityzqlib']), ('internet', ['internet', 'internetFolksonomy']), ('easy', ['easymovie', 'easymusic']), ('techic', ['techic', 'techicEmacs', 'techicPyBlosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomblosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomplugins'])] ''' body += '


' for e in etree[''][1:]: #print "etree[''] include::",e body += '%s%s
\n'%( "...." ,_baseurl ,e[1] ,e[0] ) #print root_entry_list for k in root_entry_list: #['techic', 'techicEmacs', 'techicPyBlosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomblosxom', 'techicPyBlosxomplugins'] body += '


'%k[0] cpath = "" for p in k[1]: #print etree[p] #[('', 'Zen', 'Chinese'), '9.18', 'CC Salon BJ', '\xe2\x80\x9c\xe5\x9b\xbd\xe9\x99\x85\xe8\x87\xaa\xe7\x94\xb1\xe8\xbd\xaf\xe4\xbb\xb6\xe6\x97\xa5\xe2\x80\x9d\xe4\xb9\x8b\xe5\xa4\xb4\xe8\x84\x91\xe9\xa3\x8e\xe6\x9a\xb4', '\xe8\xa1\xa8\xe5\xbd\xa2\xe7\xa0\x81\xe7\x9a\x84\xe6\xb6\x88\xe4\xba\xa1\xe8\x83\x8c\xe6\x99\xaf\xef\xbc\x81'] epath = "/".join(etree[p][0][2:]) if k[0] != "".join(etree[p][0]): if cpath != epath: cpath = epath ldeep = len(etree[p][0][1:]) if 3 > ldeep: body += '
'%"/".join(etree[p][0][2:]) else: body += '
'%"/".join(etree[p][0][3:]) for e in etree[p][1:]: body += '%s%s
\n'%( "/".join(etree[p][0]) ,"..."*len(etree[p][0]) ,_baseurl ,e[1] ,e[0] ) ''' [('', 'easy', 'movie'), '\xe4\xb8\x96\xe9\x97\xb4\xe5\xae\x89\xe5\xbe\x97\xe5\x8f\x8c\xe5\x85\xa8\xe6\xb3\x95,\xe4\xb8\x8d\xe8\xb4\x9f\xe5\xa6\x82\xe6\x9d\xa5\xe4\xb8\x8d\xe8\xb4\x9f\xe5\x8d\xbf!'] [('', 'easy', 'music'), 'ZARD\xe6\xb6\x88\xe9\x80\x9d\xe4\xba\x86'] for entry in entrise: e = Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, entry[2], entry[1]) #print e['title'] #print entry[1].split("/")[:-1] body += '%s%s%s
\n'%( "...."*len(entry[1].split("/")) ,_baseurl ,entry[1] ,e['title'] #entry[0] ,entry[1] ) ''' #print body body +="
" data = {'title': config.get('cindex_title', 'index')} # use the epoch for mtime. otherwise, pyblosxom uses the current time, which # makes other plugins (like weblogsping) think this is a new entry. epoch = time.localtime(0) fe = Pyblosxom.entries.base.generate_entry(request, data, body, epoch) return [fe] def cb_story(args): request = args['request'] http = request.getHttp() config = request.getConfiguration() trigger = config.get('cindex_trigger', 'site-index') if (http['PATH_INFO'] == trigger and not config.get('cindex_use_story_template', 1)): title = config.get('cindex_title', 'index') args['template'] = '


\n$body' % title return args

§ 写于: Mon, 31 May 2010 | 永久链接;源文: rdf ,rss ,raw | 分类: /techic/PyBlosxom/plugins §
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作品Zoom.Quiet创作,采用知识共享署名-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 基于zoomquiet.org上的作品创作。